Hatha Yoga DVD/USB
A wonderful 90 minute step-by-step traditional Beginners Hatha Yoga Programme
A gentle yet effective yoga programme that will leave you refreashed and energised.
Ideal for beginners of all ages
No harsh jolting or straining
Increase your fitness and well-being
Improve concentration
Become more supple and energetic
Reduce stress and stay relaxed
Get rid of aching joints and bad posture
Slow down aging process
Program includes:
- Deep relaxation (10 mins) – to help you unwind
- Deep breathing (10 mins) – for cardio vascular fitness
- Slow stretching postures (60 mins) – for physical fitness and flexibility
- Deep relaxation (10 mins) – to absorb all the benefits of the routine
Cost $25.00 + postage & handling

Teachings on Hatha & Raja Yoga
Acharya Upendra Roy
This 300 page book is filled with over 100 photographs and contents including:
- The nature of Hatha and Raja yoga. Translation and interpretive commentary of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
- A course in the practice of Meditation.
- The Chakras; descrptions and practcies.
- Explanation of Prana and the practice of classical pranayamas.
- Mudras and Bandhas; descriptions and practices.
- Kriyas; the cleansing practices.
- Asanas; descriptions and photographs of the 84 traditional yoga postures, the majority of the photos feature Acharaya. Our thanks go out to the IYTA (International Yoga Teachers Association), who gave us the permission to republish these wonderful photos from their handbook.
- Yoga Nidra; deep relaxation practice.
This collection of Acharya Upendra Roy’s teachings was put together from the various course notes, recorded talks and other materials he left behind. Acharya had often spoken of his desire to assemble his knowledge into a book but his many commitments and sudden death prevented him from achieving this goal. He was an inspiring teacher who devoted his life to the faithful transmission of the traditional Tantric yoga system. During his long teaching career, many students benefited from his knowledge and many teachers were trained to continue his work. However the danger remained that with the passing of time his teachings and the tradition they embodied would become diluted. For this reason several of his students resolved to collect his teachings so that they might provide a comprehensive guide and so that the wealth of his dedicated practice and study would not be lost to those coming after.
Yoga is an interconnected whole which cannot be broken down into a linear sequence of separate parts.
All of us involved in producing this book hope that it will give a true insight into the original and authentic teachings of Acharya so that the tradition he taught can continue to be passed on in the light of his experience and understanding in the art of Hatha Yoga, the knowledge of Raja Yoga and the way of Tantra.
Cost – $35.00 + postage & handling